Contact: John Lewis
[email protected]
ACRO Funding Global Healthcare Innovation Management Center At Fordham University Schools of Business
April 12, 2010 – Washington, DC – As part of an effort to lead the discussion about evolving drug development models, the Association of Clinical Research Organizations announced today that it is among the founding members of the Global Healthcare Innovation Management Center at Fordham University.
“Working with sponsor companies, CROs are driving the adoption of innovative drug development models that will help bring life-saving treatments to market more quickly and efficiently ,” said Doug Peddicord, PhD, Executive Director of ACRO. “Research around how to best manage these evolving development models is critically important to the future of the biopharmaceutical industry and ACRO is pleased to be among the founding members of this valuable research center.”
The Center is being directed by Dr. Falguni Sen, a professor of management systems at the Fordham Schools of Business with extensive experience analyzing pharmaceutical outsourcing and health care delivery systems. Dr. Sen has a particular interest in partnership drug development models. Dr. Peddicord will serve on the Center’s Board of Advisors.
“Management strategy to bring about healthcare innovation is not a well-developed discipline,” said Dr. Sen. “The Center will examine topics such as the pharmaceutical outsourcing , the creation of biotech ‘clusters’, emerging healthcare delivery systems and advances in health information technologies. Our initial focus will be on drug discovery and development in the countries where innovations are taking place, such as India, China, Ireland, South Africa and Switzerland.”
The Center is being funded by foundations and grants, as well as contributions from industry. Organizations interested in joining the Center may contact Dr. Sen at: +1 212.636.6160.
About ACRO
The Association of Clinical Research Organizations (ACRO) represents companies whose focus is clinical research. The association provides an active voice for the global CRO industry, which provides specialized services that are integral to the development of drugs, biologics and medical devices. Through its member companies, ACRO helps improve the quality, efficiency and safety of biomedical research. ACRO member companies employ approximately 70,000 professionals worldwide and annually conduct more than 9,000 clinical trials involving nearly two million participants in 115 countries. For more information, please visit