D&I Site Resource Grants Application

There is a persistent lack of diverse representation among trial participants and investigators, in part due to the perceived risk inherent to placing studies at less experienced sites. The ACRO D&I Site Resource Grants Program aims to help sites interested in improving trial inclusivity, who have the potential to contribute to diverse enrollment, acquire the resources and skills that will get them selected for studies and improve the reach of clinical research into underrepresented communities.

The ACRO D&I Site Resource Grants Program is a 12-month pilot project that will serve as an incubator for innovative approaches to improving diverse enrollment. ACRO will award grants based on key criteria to:

  • Less experienced community sites that need upskilling and/or other support to attract industry studies, and/or 
  • Experienced sites seeking to increase the pool of diverse participants they enroll on studies 

At the end of the 12-month program, ACRO will analyze the program’s successes and disseminate the learnings to the broader industry in the form of a white paper. Sites selected to be part of the program will be expected to participate in data collection activities to inform the success metrics at the beginning and end of the program.

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